Saturday, August 25, 2012

August 2012

I haven't updated this blog in awhile.  So here are the highlights from the past 3-4 weeks.

Cuneiform activity (writing in Play-Doh) while we learned about how early people wrote things down.  (We're slowly working through Story of the World by Susan Wise Bauer.)

L just played Play-Doh.

She wanted to "write" a sentence.

Part of the science lesson for the week was to make a book about Solids, Liquids and Gases.   A cut pictures from magazines and pasted them into her homemade book.  Here she is reading it to her sister & brother.

Here, A is reading one of her Bob Books to little sister, L.

We got a big wall map of the world at Target and have enjoyed finding places and pointing them out.

Handicrafts: Paper weaving.

Nature walk on a Saturday afternoon.

 We went to a real Pow-wow.

Baby I is growing so fast.
Here he is 'swimming' in his (clean) cloth diaper stash before it gets folded...

...playing with big sister...

...being soooo happy...

...playing puzzles.  More chewing the pieces than actual solving-the-puzzle though.

And just for fun...

Baby I started crawling this week.  Today he's pulled himself to a standing position using furniture a couple times.  Yikes.  Already a mover at just 6 & 1/2 months.
A is getting a little bored with Alpha-Phonics.  Lesson 14 was a bit long, I think.  So we've switched to working from the McGuffey Primer for now.  I just love the flexibility of homeschooling.  :-)

T & A 'invented' & played a game.  Involving geography, land forms, and animals.  (I think.)