Thursday, June 21, 2012

1st half of June

 Lydia doing dishes.

Abby showing off our "sensory balloons".

 "Sensory Balloons" made of...cornmeal, black beans, and rice!

Popsicle sticks to make shapes out of. 

Baby smiles.  :-)

Look!  I can almost sit up?

Moving eggs to smaller containers.  We go through more than 5 dozen every 2 weeks!?!

Impromptu motor skill building.  Clothespins on a juice glass.

Mom taking the dryer apart when we forgot to replace the lint screen & something got through.  Oops!


Our little rebel insists on sleeping on his tummy.

Coloring a calf.  Or as she says it, "Gaff".

Decorating a big piece of cardboard daddy brought home from work.

Our neighbor's lily blooming!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

End of May

L checking puppy's aka "boo-boop" heartbeat.

Playing dress-up with paper bags.

It hailed here a couple weeks ago.  Not rain. Not snow.  It was a good discussion.

Checking out the chickens at the cousins' house.

Playing on the slide with cousins.

More playing with cousins.