Monday, December 21, 2009

The Greatest Gift

This Christmas is extra special for me this year. Having a little tiny baby this year somehow brings more meaning to the real reason for the Christmas season. I've always known and have been in awe of the fact that God sent his Son to earth as a baby to redeem his chosen children. But this year, holding a new baby in my arms (what often seems as often as 24/7!) brings new meaning and a greater realization of how vulnerable and helpless baby Jesus, our Lord became; and the ultimate sacrifice that He gave was the greatest gift our Lord could ever give.
Merry Christmas!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Baby Carriers

Over the past couple of years, I’ve managed to collect several different types and styles of baby carriers. Here is our story.
I originally started out with an Infantino Sling Rider, received as a gift before A was born. She absolutely hated and so did I. She screamed, and I couldn’t figure out how the darn thing would actually help. So we returned that one and later purchased an Infantino Easy Rider which is similar to the famous Baby Bjorn. Once I strapped that on and put Abby in it (she was a couple months old at that point), I was amazed that I could actually do chores around the house, use two hands, and not have to put down my screaming I-need-to-be-held-every-waking-and-non-waking-moment baby.

As I read more Attachment Parenting websites and books (mainly Dr. Sears), I heard so much about the acclaimed ‘sling’. So, while cruising Ebay I picked up a used Nojo sling for something like $11. The sling was great for running quick errands since it was easy to quickly pop her in and pull the tail tight in the hip carry or cuddle hold.

Once A got heavier, it became more difficult to wear her for long periods, so we asked for and received an Ergo Carrier for Christmas that year. The Ergo is great for wearing baby on your back, but it takes a bit of practice to learn how to get baby onto your back and strapped in while you’re by yourself and have no help or anyone to ‘spot’. Once you’ve figured it out though and have had a bit of practice, it’s actually quite easy. The Ergo also can be used to carry baby in the front, and has an option for wearing on the hip, but I never figured that one out. The sling worked well for the hip carry already. As A approached her second birthday, we mainly used the sling for quick in-and-out trips and the Ergo for longer trips, walks, or hikes.

When we found out we were expecting L, I searched the internet for instructions on making ring slings. The Nojo sling has lots of padding which makes it bulky to carry in a diaper bag, and the padded rings make it difficult to pull it tight enough sometimes. I knew that with a newborn, I’d need to be able to pull it tighter. I did not, however, want to spend big bucks on something that I was pretty sure I could make myself. The sling I made has no padding and has quite a long, open tail that’s handy to use for a nursing cover up or to cover L when the sun is bright. Having all of her weight on one shoulder though, can be tiring after even half an hour. And at this point (almost 2 months old), she still can’t be carried in my favorite way to carry in a sling: the hip carry. However, the ring sling is great for when L has fallen asleep after nursing, I’ve adjusted her to an upright position, tummy to tummy. I’m able to slip the sling over my head and tighten, and she’s not disturbed at all and stays asleep! Before L was born, I also purchased a Moby wrap on clearance. Before the birth, I tried to figure out how to tie it and use it, but with my big belly, that was quite difficult. :)

Another of our purchases before L’s birth was a Mei Tai carrier by Baby So Smart. In L’s 2 months so far, I think I’ve used this carrier the most. It’s great for grocery shopping and other errands. She’s still held facing me like in the Bjorn-like carrier, but her feet aren’t dangling. Some have said that the carriers that support them from the crotch area and let their feet and legs dangle aren’t good for their little developing spines since there’s so much pressure on their spine. The Mei Tai carries them in a similar position, is still easy to tie, but eliminates the concern of spine development.

A couple weeks ago, I finally picked up the Moby and was determined to figure out how to use it. Once I practiced the main wrapping instructions a couple times, it got much easier and I’m able to do it rather quickly now. I love too, that L’s weight is distributed all over my back and shoulders and doesn’t dig anywhere. She loves it too, and falls asleep quickly once she’s placed in the wrap. In fact, as I’m typing this, she is in the wrap asleep, Tummy-to-tummy, as I bounce on a large exercise ball. That’s her favorite way to be soothed. It puts her right to sleep. :-)

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Cloth wipes solution

Last night I finally got around to making our new cloth wipes solution which will make cloth wipes easier to use at our house. It’s often easier to just grab the disposable wipes when I’ve got 2 screaming babies who need to be changed rather than wetting down the cloth wipes, that sat dry on top of the dresser, with either the spray bottle with water & EOs (Essential Oils) or wetting in the sink under running water (hot water if I’m able to wait).

So, I combined a couple squirts of Dr Bronner’s, some water, and 10 drops of my EO combo of lavender and tea tree oil. (I later decided 5 drops would have been more than enough as 10 made it way too strong.) I then dumped it all in an old Pampers wipes plastic container, added some washcloths folded in half and some old cut up t-shirts and voila, we’re in business. At least for a day or two. Once they’re all gone, we just repeat the process. This solution can be a bit cold though, especially in the winter months, so we’re asking Santa for a wipes warmer this Christmas. :-)

I still use disposable diapers at night on both babies, so we still use disposable wipes when changing a baby out of a ‘sposie. That way, there’s only one stop after the change: the diaper pail or the trashcan. And disposable wipes are all I carry in the diaper bag for when we’re not home. It’s just easier that way at this point.

How did I get here?!?

Yeah, I’ve turned into a weirdo that uses cloth diapers, several baby carriers, co-sleeps with my babies, plans on home-schooling, and, oh yeah, our last baby, L, was born in water at a local birth center. No monitors, no pitocin, no epidural, and I got to go home 3 hours after she was born. And I wouldn’t change a thing.

I never would’ve imagined, 5 years ago, that I’d end up here. I guess I’ve always been a mainstream, go-with-what-works-for-everyone-else type of gal. Well, maybe not, but that’s what I thought.

So, here are my musings, thoughts, rambling, whatever. Enjoy.
